This Easter has seen many signs of new life at Lees Street.
It has been a busy, messy, reflective time, as we have tried to explore the Easter story in different ways. Through our Maundy Thursday Agape meal, Good Friday and Easter Sunday services, we recalled the events of Easter, being free to ask questions and see the story in new ways.
We also shared the Easter Story through our new groups at Lees Street.
Our new group Inspiration reflected on the events of the Easter story by thinking about endings and beginnings. We shared our own stories of endings and beginnings and discussed our thoughts and questions about the Easter story.
We were pleased to welcome new children and adults to our Messy Church Easter celebration. We enjoyed painting eggs, making chocolate nests and egg puppets, decorating Easter magnets, and creating a New Life banner. We also explored the different feelings in the Easter story - from happiness to anger, from despair to hope.
You can see photos of what we got up to by clicking on the Flickr photos. We are trying out Messy Church on Saturdays. The next dates are 15th May , 19th June.