We were pleased to celebrate the completion and unveiling of our third mosaic - Peace. It is fantastic addition to our series of mosaics, brightening up our corner of Manchester and sharing our faith, hopes and dreams with our community.
Recently, we received an encouraging email from Brian Raymond, the community artist who helped with the initial designs for the mosaic project.
“Whenever I find myself passing Lees Street, I drive down to see if the next in the series of mosaics has been completed. For a long time I have wondered what was happening to the mosaic-making part of the project – but – last week my patience was rewarded when the third stunning design appeared alongside the first two.
I must say I was very impressed by the standard of mosaic making. I am so impressed by the mosaic group’s dedication and endurance! I can only agree with the design changes they decided to make and am pleased they have the confidence to make these decisions as the project continues. Soon they will be designing and mosaic-ing all on their own.
Well done to everyone working on the project – what a brilliant Christmas present for the church.”
We hope that our third mosaic will be enjoyed by our local community and beyond as we pray for peace in Openshaw and around the world.
Click on the flickr photos for more pictures of our mosaics.