On 3rd August we ventured for the first time into 'Messy Church', playing around with our morning service in the most radical way to date. We all sat round a long 'banquet-style' table, ready prepared with a tablecloth and paper plates - but more needed to be done. Starting with the Parable of the Great Banquet, when Jesus emphasises that the feast of God's kingdom - the party of faith and life - is open to all sorts of people, rather than those who may sometimes think they can take their place for granted. So we then went into different groups - some decorated cakes, some did some weaving of colourful place-mats, some painted self-portraits to celebrate that we are all invited, and some did something a bit more wordy - thinking about how different groups can be made to feel welcome. We then came back together, sharing in a simple meal of fruit, cakes, biscuits, and culminating in Communion, the breaking and sharing of bread, remembering the life and ministry of Jesus. It was an experiment well worth the effort - and more of it may follow, as we continue to explore 'messy church' as a way of expressing our hospitality to young children and people of all ages ... so watch this space, and be welcome!